Lijie Ren

Lijie Ren Chief Physician

SZU First Affiliated Hospital

Chief Physician





NAME: Lijie Ren


POSITION TITLE: Deputy Director of Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital,              

Chief Physician of Neurology







Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China




Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou, China




Weifang Medical University, Weifang, China



Clinical Medicine










A. Personal statement

I am a Doctor of Medicine, Chief Physician of Neurology, Master’s Supervisor and Deputy Director of Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital. I have been engaged in clinical neurological work since 1996, and am skilled in the management and research of cognitive disorders such as depression as well as cerebrovascular diseases. I took the lead in conducting Botulinum toxin therapy in stroke patients with dystonia and functional magnetic resonance Imaging studies in patients with depression and, while leading the Shenzhen Stroke Screening and Prevention Program, I assisted in the establishment of the Systemic Stroke Ward, the Outpatient Department, and the Community Screening System. This Program has developed the Stroke Screening Network, which includes 19 Base Net Hospitals and ~100 Health Service Centers, through which 23,000 participants have been screened and followed up with revisits and health management. Furthermore, I provided expert assistance to related departments, including Cardiology and Endocrinology, to improve the primary prevention of stroke for 5,000 participants. Our Program aims to improve the primary and secondary prevention of stroke, in order to reduce the care, psychological, and economic burden this condition entails. In recent years, we have also established the Cognitive Clinic to systematically evaluate the cognitive functions of patients, and are developing a dynamic cognitive brain network analysis of brain injury and rehabilitation.

In addition to this, I am the Director of the Quality Control Center of Cerebrovascular Disease Treatment in Shenzhen, a member of the World Stroke Organization and the Chinese Stroke Screening and Prevention Expert Committee, the China Stroke Association Executive Director of the Youth Council, a council member of Guangdong Society of Neuroscience and Shenzhen Association against Epilepsy, and the Deputy Director of Shenzhen Stroke Screening and Prevention Public Service Platform. I serve on the editorial boards of Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science, China Medical Journal, Chinese Journal of Stroke and International Journal of Cerebrovascular Disease; and act as a reviewer for International Journal of Hypertension, Stroke and Vascular Neurology.


B. Positions and honors


2019-present: Deputy Director of Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital, Shenzhen, China

2011-2019: Chief Physician, Department of Neurology, Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital, Shenzhen, China

2007-2011: Associate Chief Physician, Department of Neurosurgery, Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital, Shenzhen, China

2002-2007: Attending Physician in the Department of Neurosurgery, Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital, Shenzhen, China

1996-1999: Resident in the Department of Neurosurgery, The Dezhou People’s Hospital, Dezhou, China



2017: Shenzhen Top Ten "Shenzhen Innovation Good Youth" Award

2018: "Outstanding Young and Middle-aged Experts of Stroke Prevention Engineering Committee" Award

2018: Shenzhen "Top Ten Good Doctors" Award

2019: The May 1st Labor Medal of Guangdong Province


C. Representative publications (selected publications from the past five years   5-10篇)

1.Lijie Ren, Chao Li, Weiping Li, Yixuan Zeng, Shisheng Ye, Zhichao Li, Hongye Feng, Zhihao Lei, Jingjing Cai, Shiyu Hu, Yi Sui, Qiang Liu, Bernard M Y Cheung. Fast-tracking acute stroke care in China: Shenzhen Stroke Emergency Map,Postgrad Med J 2019. 95: 46-47.

2.Shisheng Ye, Shiyu Hu, Zhihao Lei, Zhichao Li, Weiping Li, Yi Sui, Lijie Ren*. Shenzhen stroke emergency map improves access to rtPA for patients with acute ischemic stroke. Stroke and Vascular Neurology 2019. 0: e000212.

3.Yang Wang, Shiyu Hu, Lijie Ren*, Zhihao Lei, Tao Lan, Jingjing Cai. Lp-PLA2 as a risk factor of early neurological deterioration in acute ischemic stroke with TOAST type of large arterial atherosclerosis, Neurol Res, 2018. 41(1): 1-8.

4.Jingjing Cai, Dan Wu, Yongqian Mo, Anxin Wang,Shiyu Hu, Lijie Ren*. Comparison of extracranial artery stenosis and cerebral blood flow assessed by quantitative magnetic resonance, using digital subtraction angiography as reference standard. Medicine. Nov 2016. 95(46): e5370.

5.Shiyu Hu, Lijie Ren*, Yilong Wang, Runhua Zhang, Xingquan Zhao, Liping Liu, Weiping Li, Yongjun Wang. Homocysteine-lowering therapy and early functional outcomes of ischemic patients with H-type hypertension: a retrospective analysis of CNSR, Australas Phys Eng Sci Med, 2015. 38(4): 785-791.

6.Lijie Ren, Jingjing Cai, Jie Liang, Weiping Li, Zhonghua Sun. Impact of Cardiovascular Risk Factors on Carotid Intima-Media Thickness and Degree of Severity: A Cross-Sectional Study. PLoS One, 2015. 10(12): e0144182.

7.Lijie Ren, Jie Liang, Jingjing Cai, Dan Wu, Weiping Li. Risk Factors of Stroke in the South of China: A Population-Based Survey of 4563 Residents, Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2017. 7(4): 903-908.

8.Zhuoyuan Liang, Lijie Ren*, Ting Wang, Huoyou Hu, Weiping Li, Yaping Wang, Dehong Liu, Yi Lie. Effective management of patients with acute ischemic stroke based on lean production on thrombolytic flow optimization, Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 2016. 39(4): 987-996.

9.Lijie Ren, Jun Li, et al. Depression tensor imaging study of the depression patients mood processing disorder, Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical and Brain Science, 2013. 22(9): 807-809.

10.Lijie Ren, Manfu Han, et al. Working memory in depression patients: a fMRI study, Space Medicine & Medical Engineering, 2013. 26(5): 402-404.


D. Research support

Ongoing projects (RMB)

基金英文名 (项目编号)                                          01/01/2018 to 12/31/2022

负责人英文名, PI                                                         ¥金额

[1] Aug 2018-Jun 2021: Research and application demonstration of comprehensive prevention and treatment of stroke based on gateway shift. Supported by Shenzhen Science and Technology Bureau Research, as Project Leader (Funds: 5,000,000 yuan).

[2] Jan 2016-Dec 2018: Evaluation of drug therapy and prognosis of acute ischemic cerebrovascular disease based on accurate imaging medicine. Supported by Shenzhen Science and Technology Bureau Research, as Project Leader (Funds: 3,000,000 yuan).

[3] Jan 2017-Dec 2020: Evaluation of cerebral blood flow autoregulation in symptomatic patients with cerebrovascular stenosis and its prognosis. Supported by the Shenzhen Municipal Health Commission, as Project Leader (Funds: 300,000 yuan).

[4] Aug 2013-Dec 2015: Recurrent status and prognostic conditions of patients with first onset stroke in China. Supported by National Science and Technology Supporting Subject, as the Principal Investigator. (Funds: 20,000 yuan).

[5] Jan 2013-Jun 2014: Monitoring and management system of chronic brain disease based on the cloud platform. Supported by the Shenzhen Strategic Emerging Industries Development Project, as the Project Leader (Funds: 2,000,000 yuan).

[6] 2013: Clinical study on oxidative stress in patients with acute ischemic stroke. Supported by the Ministry of Health, Cerebral Protection Commission Project, as the Principal Investigator (Funds: 20,000 yuan).

[7] Aug 2012-Mar 2013: Promotion of innovative technologies of stroke screening and prevention within populations at medium to high risk. Supported by the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Finance supporting the Medical Reform Project, as the Principal Investigator (Funds: 150,000 yuan).

[8] Jan 2013-Dec 2016: Cognitive function network research in patients with depression and antidepressant treatment. Supported by Guangdong Provincial Natural Science Foundation, Dr. Startup Foundation, as the  Principal Investigator (Funds: 30,000 yuan).

