Diao, Xianfen (Associate Professor)

Diao, Xianfen (Associate Professor) Associate Professor

School of Biomedical Engineering

Associate Professor

Department of Medical Electronics


NAME: Diao, Xianfen

POSITION TITLE: Vice Professor of Biomedical Engineering; Shenzhen University School of Medicine




(if applicable)


Completion Date





Shandong industry  University, Shandong, China



Testing technique and instrument

Shandong University, Shandong, China



Pattern recognition and intelligent system

Zhejiang University, Zhejiang, China



Biomedical Engineering










A.   Personal Statement

My research interests fall in ultrasound transient elastography technology and the photo-acoustic (PA) signal generated by using microsecond pulsed X-ray beams produced by medical linear accelerators. I have been supported by one grant from the National Natural Science Foundation in China (NSFC), one grant from the Science and Technology Planning Project of Shenzhen City  and one grant from the Medical Scientific Research Foundation of Guangdong Province . I have published >10 papers in professional journals.



B.   Positions and Honors

Positions and Employment

08/2006 – present           Vice Professor, Biomedical Engineering , Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China

06/2016 05/2021         Reserve talents of domestic high-level personnel Shenzhen city, China


C.   Contributions to Science (*: corresponding)


1.    ultrasound transient elastography technology

Ultrasound transient elastography technology has found its place in elastography because it is safe and easy to perform. However, it’s application to deep tissues is limited. Our aim is to design an ultrasound transient elastography system with coded excitation to obtain greater detection depth. Our system can produce different forms of vibration waveforms to induce different shear wave propagation in the tissue. Moreover, it can achieve either traditional pulse-echo detection or a phase-modulated or a frequency-modulated coded excitation. Applying coded excitation technique to the ultrasound transient elastography can increase the detection depth and signal-to-noise ratio. Using coded excitation technology to assess the human liver, especially in obese patients, may be a good choice.


1)     Xianfen Diao, Jing Zhu, Xiaonian He, Xin Chen, Xinyu Zhang, Siping Chen and Weixiang Liu, An ultrasound transient elastography system with coded excitation, BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 2017,16(1):87.

2)    He, Xiao-Nian, Diao, Xian-Fen, Lin, Hao-Ming,Zhang, Xin-Yu,Shen, Yuan-Yuan,Chen, Si-Ping,Qin, Zheng-Di,Chen, Xin, Improved shear wave motion detection using coded excitation for transient elastography, Scientific Reports,2017, 7:44483.

3)    Xiaonian He, Xianfen Diao, Haoming Lin, Xinyu Zhang, Xin Chen , Yuanyuan Shen,Zhengdi Qin, and Siping Chen, Using Coded Excitation to Detect Tissue Vibration in Ultrasonic Elastography, Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2017,Vol.7,217–223.

4)    Zhang Xinyu,Yin Yin,Guo Yanrong,Fan Ning,Lin Haoming,Liu Fulong,Diao Xianfen,Dong Changfeng, Chen Xin,Wang Tianfu,Chen Siping,Quantitative Viscoelasticity Measurement of Bovine Corneas based on Lamb Wave Dispersion Properties ,Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 2015,41(5), pp 1461-1472.

5)    Xian-FenDiao, Xin-YuZhang,Tian-FuWang,Si-Ping Chen,Ying Yang, Ling Zhong ,Highly sensitive computer aided diagnosis system for breast tumor based on color doppler flow imagesJournal of Medical Systems,2011,35(5):801–809.

6)    Haoming Lin,Xinyu Zhang, Xin Chen,Yanrong Guo,Yuanyuan Shen,Xianfen Diao,Chien Ting Chin,Tianfu Wang,Siping Chen,Yi Zheng,Evaluating Hepatic Fibrosis in Rat Liver by using Ultrasound Elastography: Comparison between Modeldependent and Model-independent Approaches,2015 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, 2015,Taibei,Taiwan, P.R. China, 2015.10.21-10.24.

7)    Jing Zhu,Zhengdi Qin,Siping Chen,Xinyu Zhang,Li Zhang,Yu Kuang,Xianfen Diao*,Detection of tissue harmonic motion induced by mechanical vibrator using 7-chip Barker-coded excitation,BMEI,2014,Dalian,P.R.China,2014.1014-10.16.

8)    Panpan Liu,Xianfen Diao,Jie Li,Kai zhan,Xiaonian He, Zhengdi Qin, orthogonal frequency ultrasound vibration pulse for SDUV,2013 IEEE International Conference on ICSPCC, 2013,Kunming, P.R.China, 2013.08.05-08.08.

9)    Xin-Yu Zhang ,Yin Yin , Yanrong Guo, Xianfen Diao,Xin Chen, Preliminary study on the effect of stiffness on lamb wave propagation in bovine corneas ,2013 IEEE-EMBC, Osaka,Japan, 2013.07.03-07.07.

10) X.F. Diao, Z. D.Qin, S.P. Chen, T.F. Wang, Y.Y. Shen, X.Y. Zhang, Simulation on detection of tissue harmonic motion using pulse-echo ultrasound and adaptive digital sinusoidal filter, Proc. of  IFMBE2012,2012, Beijing,P.R.China,2012.5.26-5.31.

11) Xian-Fen Diao, Xin-Yu Zhang,Tian-Fu Wang, Si-Ping Chen, Li-Hua Li, robust topology-adaptive snakes for medical ultrasonic image segmentation, 2010 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI), 2010,Yantai, P.R.China, 2010.10.16-10.18.

12) Xian-Fen Diao, Tian-Fu Wang, Ying Yang, Si-Ping Chen, Computer-aided Diagnosis of Breast Tumor Based on B-mode Ultrasound and Color Doppler Flow Imaging, 2009 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics,2009,Tanjin,P.R.China,2009.10.17-10.19.



2.    P hoto-acoustic (PA) signal generated by using microsecond pulsed  X-ray beams

The photo-acoustic (PA) signal can be generated by using microsecond pulsed X-ray beams produced by medical linear accelerators. At present, the available data and research conducted on this topic is limited and it’s clinical applications need to be investigated. MATLAB simulations were performed and the results showed that the PA signal has characteristics of weak intensity and wide bandwidth. A single element PA signal acquisition system was constructed to detect the PA signal generated by microsecond pulsed X-ray beams produced by a medical linear accelerator. Results show that a probe with high sensitivity, wide bandwidth and 70KHz center frequency needs to be designed to better detect the PA signal. Now, we are designing a multichannel sampling system to detect the PA signals at many positions and reconstruct the absorb distribution image.



1)    Xianfen Diao,Jing Zhu,Weihao Li,Nan Deng,Chien Ting Chin,Xiyuan Zheng, Xinyu Zhang,Xin Chen,XianmingLi,Yu Kuang, Broadband Detection of Dynamic Acoustic Emission Process Induced by 6 MV Therapeutic X-ray Beam from a Clinical Linear Accelerator,2015 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, 2015,Taibei,Taiwan, P.R. China, 2015.10.21-10.24.


2)    Liu Gang,CT Chin, Li XianMing,Zheng XiYuan,Li WeiHao,Lin YunZhen,Xie Bing,Diao XianFen*, Simulation and experimental detection of X-ray Photo-acoustic, Journal of Shenzhen University Science and engineering, accepted. 2018



D.   Research Support

Ongoing Research Support

  1. NSFC (China) participant project (81601503)                     01/01/2017 to 31/12/2019

Xianfen Diao,  participant                                                           ¥170,000 (direct cost)

Diagnosing liver fibrosis stages by quantitative measurement of hepatic viscoelasticity


  1. Medical Scientific Research Foundation of Guangdong Province(A2017280)

       07/01/2017 to 06/30/2019

Xianfen Diao, PI                                                                       ¥5,000 (direct cost)

Key problem study of the photo-acoustic imaging using microsecond pulsed  X-ray beams produced by medical linear accelerator


Completed Research Support


  1. Study on ultrasonic imaging of tissue viscoelasticity using truncated long code


NSFC (China) (61201041)                                                         01/01/2013 to 31/12/2015

Xianfen Diao, PI                                                                               ¥220,000


  1. Study of real time monitoring for radiotherapy  based on photo-acoustic imaging


Science and Technology Planning Project of Shenzhen City (Grant JCYJ20150525092941053)

                                                                                                                  06/01/2015 to 10/31/2017

Xianfen Diao, PI                                                                              ¥3,00,000


