Cai Li Professor
SZU General Hospital
SZU General Hospital
NAME: Cai Li
POSITION TITLE: Director of Ophthalmology, Shenzhen University General Hospital; Chief physician; PhD supervisor.
Department of Clinical Medicine of the Fourth Military Medical University | Undergraduate degree | 1995 | Ophthalmology |
Department of Clinical Medicine of the Fourth Military Medical University | Master's degree | 1998 | Ophthalmology |
Department of Clinical Medicine of the Fourth Military Medical University | PhD | 2002 | Ophthalmology |
Aberdeen University, UK | Research Assistant and Postdoctoral researcher | 2003 | Ophthalmology |
National University of Galway, Ireland | Visiting scholar | 2016 | Ophthalmology |
A. Personal statement
Cai Li is the Director of Ophthalmology at Shenzhen University General Hospital, as well as a Chief Physician and a PhD supervisor. Dr. Li holds many academic positions, including being a member of the: Immunology Group of the Ophthalmic Branch of the Chinese Medical Association; Immunology Group of the Ophthalmic Committee of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association; Ophthalmic Committee of the Chinese Women Medical Association; Cornea Group of the Ophthalmic Branch of the Medical Science and Technology Committee of the whole army; Professional Committee of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine of the Guangdong Eye Health Association; and the Ophthalmic Committee of the Guangdong Basic Medical Association and Shenzhen Optometry Society. She serves as a reviewer for the International Journal of Ophthalmology and Molecular Vision.
Dr. Li’s major research field is ocular immunology. She has obtained scientific research funds from the Ministry of Science and Technology (for provinces, cities and universities), totaling >1.7 million yuan. Dr. Li has published many high-level academic papers in the international journals, such as Stem Cell Research, as the first author or corresponding author.
B. Positions and honors
2018: Member, Immunology Group of the Ophthalmic Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, China
2012-2018: Member, Immunology Committee of the Ophthalmic Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, China
2012-2018: Member, Ophthalmic Committee of the Chinese Women Medical Association, China
2015: Member, Cornea group of ophthalmic branch of medical science and Technology Committee of the whole army, China
2012-2018: Member, Professional Committee of the Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine of the Guangdong Eye Health Association, China
2012-2018: Member, Ophthalmic Committee of the Guangdong Basic Medical Association, China
2012-2018: Member, Shenzhen Optometry Society, China
1.2004 Academic New Talents fund of the "Excellent Talents Support Program" of the Fourth Military Medical University
2.2010 Excellent Thesis Award of the 11th National Congress of Keratology and Ocular Surface Diseases and the 2nd National Congress of Keratorefractive Surgery
3.2010 The 15th Annual Meeting of the Asia Pacific Society of Ophthalmology and the 15th National Congress of Ophthalmology of Chinese Medical Association
C. Representative publications (selected publications in recent five years 5-10篇)
1.Dinga YC, Carvalhoa E, Murphya C, McInerneyb V, Krawczykc J, O'Briena T, Howarda L, Cai L*, Shen SB*. Deivation of familial iPSC lines from three patients with retinitis pigmentosa carrying an autosomal dominant RPE65 mutation. Stem Cell Research. 2019, in press.
2.Yan F, Cai L*, Hui YN, Chen SH, Meng H, Huang ZP. Tolerogenic dendritic cells suppress murine corneal allograft rejection by modulating CD28/CTLA-4 expression on regulatory T cell. Cell Biol Int. 2014,38(7):835-848. *Co-corresponding authorship.
3.王丽萍,王雨生,王颖维,蔡莉*. 角膜前基质层异物伤后迟发性后弹力层脱离一例. 中华眼科杂志. 2018, 54(6):466-467
4.王颖维,蔡莉*,费菲,王雨生. 全角膜羊膜覆盖与绷带型角膜接触镜用于大翼状胬肉切除术的疗效对比. 国际眼科杂志,2018,18(1):178-181
5.蔡莉#*,高玮,王颖维,王雨生. IFN-α治疗白塞病葡萄膜炎的新进展. 中华眼视光学与视觉科学杂志. 2016,18(7):446-448
D. Research support
Ongoing projects (RMB)
1.National Natural Science Foundation of China (81170819), 01/2012 to 12/2015, Cai Li, 570,000.
2.National Natural Science Foundation of China (30500550), 01/2006 to 12/2008, Cai Li, 250,000.
3.Basic Research Freedom Exploration Project of Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission (136), 01/2019 to 12/2021, Cai Li, 500,000.
4.Science and Technology Talent Promotion Plan of Shenzhen University General Hospital, 04/2018 to 04/2020, Cai Li, 300,000.
5.Education Reform Project of Shenzhen University, 01/2020 to 12/2020, Cai Li, 10,000.
6.Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province (2006C226), 01/2007 to 12/2009, Cai Li, 40,000.
7.Clinical New Technology and New Business Project of Xijing Hospital of the Fourth Military Medical University (XJZT09Y16), 01/2010 to 02/2011, Cai Li, 30,000.
8.Clinical New Technology and New Business Project of Xijing Hospital of the Fourth Military Medical University(XJG04041L07), 01/2005 to 12/2005, Cai Li, 20,000.
9.Teaching Research Project of the Fourth Military Medical University (JG201018), 01/2010 to 12/2011, Cai Li, 10,000.