Xiaowu Chen Professor and Chief Physician
SZU General Hospital
Professor and Chief Physician
SZU General Hospital
Professor and Chief Physician
NAME: Xiaowu Chen
POSITION TITLE: Director of the Department of Neurology
Xianning Medical College, Xianning, China | Bachelor Degree | 1993 | Clinical Medicine |
Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China | Master Degree in Medical Science | 2003 | Human Anatomy |
Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China | Ph.D. in Medical Science | 2007 | Neurology |
McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School | postdoctoral Fellow | 2015 | Neuroscience |
A. Personal statement
Xiaowu Chen, Ph.D., is a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard Medical School, Professor, Chief physician, a High-Level Professional in Shenzhen (local-level talent), and Director of the Department of Neurology, Shenzhen University General Hospital. Dr. Chen is engaged in the research of cerebrovascular disease, Parkinson's disease and sleep disorders. Dr. Chen has won three National Natural Science Funds, with a total funding of >1.7 million (RMB). Dr. Chen won one provincial first prize for Science and Technology (Ranked First), one municipal second prize for Scientific and Technological Progress, and has published >50 academic papers as the first or corresponding author.
B. Positions and honors
2014-2017: Professor, Hainan Medical University, Haikou, China
2017-present : Professor, Shenzhen University General Hospital, Shenzhen, China
2012 First prize for the Science and Technology Award of Hainan Province (Ranked First).
2017 High-Level Professional in Shenzhen (Local-level talent).
2018 High-Level Talent in the Nanshan District of Shenzhen (Level B).
C. Representative publications (selected publications in recent five years)
1.Zhao Y, Yu J, Zhao J, Chen X, et al. Intragenic Transcriptional cis-Antagonism Across SLC6A3. Mol Neurobiol. 2019 Jun;56(6):4051-4060.
2.Zhao Z, Ma Y, Chen Z, Liu Q, Li Q, Kong D, Yuan K, Hu L, Wang T, Chen X, Peng Y, Jiang W, Yu Y, Liu X. Effects of Feeder Cells on Dopaminergic Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells. Front Cell Neurosci. 2016 Dec 20;10:291.
3.Wang T, Cao XB, Chen XW, Huang PP, Zhang T, Chen ZB, Tang BS. Influence of Simvastatin on Dopaminergic Neurons of Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Rat Model of Parkinson's Disease. Asian Pac J Trop Med. 2015 Jan;8(1):64-7.
4.Chen XW, Wang T, Yuan KX, Wang YJ, Wang SR, Sun SG, Chen ZB. Adenovirus Vector Mediated Human 14-3-3 γ Gene Transfer Protects Dopaminergic Cells Against Rotenone-Induced Injury. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2012 Jan 3;92(1):55-9.5.
5.Luo F, Wei L, Sun C, Chen X, et al. HtrA2/Omi is Involved in 6-OHDA-Induced Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in SH-SY5Y Cells. J Mol Neurosci. 2012, 47(1):120-127.
D. Research support
Ongoing projects (RMB)
National Natural Science Foundation of China (61973220): Research on the method of predicting the movement intention of the limbs of hemiplegia based on the synergistic effect .01/01/2020 to 12/31/2023,
Guo Dan, Xiaowu Chen, PI ¥0.67 million.