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Li Yu

Date:2020-07-15 15:37:03 Hits: times [Font size: Small Large]


Distinguished Professor, executive director of Shenzhen University International Cancer Center


Yu Li, chief physician, Professor, doctoral supervisor, executive director of Shenzhen University International Cancer Center. Former director of the Hematology Department of the General Hospital of the people's Liberation Army (301). He is a distinguished professor of Shenzhen University, Tsinghua University, Nankai University and Beijing 301 Hospital.

He graduated from Peking Union Medical College and completed postdoctoral training at Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center. He has worked in the Hematology Department of the General Hospital of the Chinese people's Liberation Army for more than 30 years, completed more than 1000 cases of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, and has rich experience in the diagnosis and treatment of hematological malignant tumors. The first winner won the second prize for national scientific and technological progress, the second prize for scientific and technological progress in Beijing. With his team, they have published more than 120 articles and reviews in high level journals such as Nature Genetics, BloodClinical Cancer Research and Nature Communications. His research has been continuously funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and the local governments.


Research interest:

Diagnosis and treatment of hematological malignancies

Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation


Research Projects:

NSFC (China) (81970151)

Li Yu, PI

Study on the Mechanism of RNA methylase METTL3 in the Pathogenesis and Development of t (8: 21) Acute Myeloid Leukemia

01/01/2020 to 12/31/2023, 550,000


Ministry of Science and Technology (2019ZX09201-002-003)

Li Yu, PI

Clinical study of new indications for desitabine and development of accompanying diagnostic reagents

01/ 01 /2019 to 12/31 /2020, 5,095,800


NSFC (China) (81670162)

Li Yu, PI

The study of prognostic genes and their clinical application in t(8;21)acute myeloid leukemia through single-cell RNA-sequencing technique

01 /01 /2017 to 12/31/2020, 570,000


Selected Peer-reviewed Publications:

1.  Yu L, Liu CH, Vandeusen J, Becknell B, Dai ZY, Wu YZ, Raval A, Liu TH, Ding W, Mao C, Liu SJ, Smith LT, Lee S, Rassenti L, Marcucci G, Byrd J, Caligiuri MA, Plass C, Global assessment of promoter methylation in a mouse model of cancer identifies ID4 as a putative tumor-suppressor gene in human leukemia, Nature Genetics, 2005,37(3): 265-274

2.  Dou L,Yan F, Pang J, Zheng D, Li D, Gao L, Wang L, Xu Y, Shi J, Wang Q, Zhou L, Shen N, Singh P, Wang L, Li Y, Gao Y, Liu T, Chen C, Al-Kali A, Litzow MR, Chi YI, Bode AM, Liu C, Huang H, Liu D, Marcucci G, Liu S*, Yu L*. Protein lysine 43 methylation by EZH1 promotes AML1-ETO transcriptional repression in leukemia, Nature Communications, 2019,10:5051.

3.  Gao XN, Yan F, Lin J, Gao L, Lu XL, Wei SC, Shen N, Pang JX, Ning QY,Komeno Y, Deng AL, Xu HY, Shi YH, Li YH, Zhang DE, Nervi C, Liu SJ and Yu L*, AML1/ETO cooperates with HIF1 to promote leukemogenesis through DNMT3a transactivation. Leukemia, 2015, 1-11.

4.  Li YH, Ning QY, Shi JL, Chen Y, Jiang MM, Gao L, Huang WR, Jing Y, Huang S, Liu AQ, Hu ZR, Liu DH, Wang LL, Nervi C, Dai Y, Zhang MQ, Yu L*, A novel epigenetic AML1-ETO/THAP10/miR-383 minicircuitry contributes to t(8;21) leukaemogenesis, Embo Molecular Medicine, 2017,9(7): 933-949.



