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来源: 发布时间:2020-09-23 15:13:12 浏览次数: 【字体:
朱卫国SIRT7-mediated   ATM deacetylation is essential for its deactivation and DNA damage repairSCIENCE ADVANCES13.116
于力Protein lysine 43 methylation by EZH1   promotes AML1-ETO transcriptional repression in leukemiaNature   Communications12.121
刘向宇CtIP is essential for early B   cell proliferation and development in miceJournal of Experimental Medicine11.743
朱卫国GLP-catalyzed   H4K16me1 promotes 53BP1 recruitment to permit DNA damage repair and cell   survivalNUCLEIC ACIDS   RESEARCH11.501
靳广毅New substituted   quinoxalines inhibit triple-negative breast cancer by specifically   downregulating the c-MYC transcriptionNUCLEIC ACIDS   RESEARCH11.501
张素平Inhibition of chemotherapy   resistant breast cancer stem cells by a ROR1 specific antibodyPNAS9.412
吕德生Salinomycin   exerts anti‐colorectal   cancer activity by targeting the β‐catenin/T‐cell factor complexBritish J of   Pharmacology 7.73
付利The immune landscape of   esophageal cancerCancer Communications5.627
付利Therapeutic targeting of the   crosstalk between cancer-associated fibroblasts and cancer stem cellsAmerican Journal of Cancer   Research5.177
于力Epigenetic modifier gene   mutations-positive AML patients with intermediate-risk karyotypes benefit   from decitabine with CAG regimen International journal of cancer5.145
朱卫国A specific assay for JmjC   domain-containing lysine demethylase and its application to inhibitor   screeningScience China-Life sciences4.611
于力The RUNX1-ETO fusion protein   trans-activates c-KIT expression by recruiting histone acetyltransferase P300   on its promoterFEBS journal 4.392
蔡志明A long way to  the battlefront: CAR T cell therapy against solid cancersJournal of   Cancer3.565
吕德生Emetine exhibits anticancer   activity in breast cancer cells as an antagonist of Wnt/β‑catenin signalingONCOLOGY   REPORTS3.417
蔡志明Extracellular   matrix protein 1 (ECM1) is associated with carcinogenesis potential of human   bladder cancerONCOTARGETS AND   THERAPY3.337
靳广毅Suppressive effects of sunitinib   on a TLR activation-induced cytokine stormEuropean Journal of Pharmacology3.263
于力The prognostic impact of tet   oncogene family member 2 mutations in patients with acute myeloid leukemia: a   systematic-review and meta-analysisBMC cancer 3.15
靳广毅Oxaliplatin-Based Platinum(IV)   Prodrug Bearing Toll-like Receptor 7 Agonist for Enhanced ImmunochemotherapyACS Omega2.87

