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来源: 发布时间:2022-10-24 10:57:20 浏览次数: 【字体:
朱卫国CDK5 Inhibition Abrogates TNBC   Stem-Cell Property and Enhances Anti-PD-1 TherapyAdvanced Science16.806
吕德生Sulfur-coordinated   organoiridium(III) complexes exert anti-breast cancer activity via inhibiting   Wnt/β-catenin signalingANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL   EDITION15.336
朱卫国SIRT6 coordinates with CHD4 to   promote chromatin relaxation and DNA repairNucleic Acids Research11.501
吕德生Dual-stimuli responsive   nanotheranostics for mild hyperthermia enhanced inhibition of   Wnt/beta-catenin signalingBIOMATERIALS10.317
朱卫国IKKε phosphorylates kindlin-2 to   induce invadopodia formation and promote colorectal cancer metastasisTheranostics8.579
张素平Aurora B induces   epithelial-mesenchymal transition by stabilizing Snail1 to promote basal-like   breast cancer metastasisOncogene7.971
朱卫国SIRT7 Activates p53 by Enhancing   PCAF-mediated MDM2 Degradation to Arrest the Cell CycleOncogene7.971
朱卫国WDFY2 Potentiates Hepatic   Insulin Sensitivity and Controls Endosomal Localization of the Insulin   Receptor and IRS1/2Diabetes7.72
Taewan KimA-to-I RNA editing as a tuner of   noncoding RNAs in cancerCancer Letters7.360
乐志操Inhibition of sonic hedgehog   signaling via MAPK activation controls chemotherapy-induced alopeciaJ Invest Dermatol7.143
吕德生Salinomycin nanocrystals for   colorectal cancer treatnment through inhibiton of Wnt/β-catenin signalingNanoscale6.895
朱卫国UNG2 deacetylation confers   cancer cell resistance to hydrogen peroxide-induced cytotoxicityFREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND   MEDICINE6.17
Taewan KimNucleic Acids in Cancer   Diagnosis and TherapyCancers6.126
于力Epigenetic silencing of miR564   contributes to the leukemogenesis of t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemiaClinical Science 6.124
吕德生Chlorquinaldol targets the   β-catenin and T-cell factor 4 complex and exerts anti-colorectal cancer   activityPHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH5.893
付利A new mouse esophageal cancer   cell line (mEC25)-derived pre-clinical syngeneic tumor model for   immunotherapyCancer Communications5.627
于力Acute myeloid leukemia immune   escape by epigenetic CD48 silencing. Clinical Science (Lond)5.223
靳广毅A chemical conjugation of JQ-1   and a TLR7 agonist induces tumoricidal effects in a murine model of melanoma   via enhanced immunomodulationInternational Journal of Cancer5.145
于力Epigenetic modifier gene mutations-positive   AML patients with intermediate-risk karyotypes benefit from decitabine with   CAG regimen International Journal of Cancer5.145
于力Chidamide, decitabine,   cytarabine, aclarubicin, and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (CDCAG) in   patients with relapsed/refractory acute myeloid leukemia: a single-arm, phase   1/2 studyClinical Epigenetics5.028
蔡志明 Engineering Cellular   Signal Sensors based on CRISPR-sgRNA Reconstruction ApproachesInternational journal of   biological sciences4.858
付利WNT2-Mediated FZD2 Stabilization   Regulates Esophageal Cancer Metastasis via STAT3 SignalingFrontiers in Oncology4.848
付利Caveolin-1 Promotes   Chemoresistance of Gastric Cancer Cells to Cisplatin by Activating   WNT/b-Catenin PathwayFrontiers in Oncology4.848
靳广毅A novel TLR7 agonist as adjuvant   to stimulate high quality HBsAg-specific immune responses in an HBV mouse   modelJournal of Translational   Medicine4.124
吕德生CDDO-Me Elicits Anti-Breast   Cancer Activity by Targeting LRP6 and FZD7 Receptor ComplexJOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY AND   EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS3.561
于力Single‑cell RNA sequencing of   t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemia for risk predictionONCOLOGY REPORTS3.417
于力Chidamide in combination with   chemotherapy in refractory and relapsed T lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemiaLeukemia& Lymphoma2.969
于力 Loss of the Y chromosome predicts a high   relapse risk in younger adult male patients with t(8;21) acute myeloid   leukemia on high-dose cytarabine consolidation therapy: a retrospective   multicenter studyLeukemia& Lymphoma2.969
于力 Loss of X chromosome predicts favorable   prognosis in female patients with t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemiaLeukimia& Lymphoma2.969
靳广毅Synthetic MUC1 breast cancer   vaccine containing a Toll-like receptor 7 agonist exerts antitumor effectsOncology Letters2.311
付利Identifying potential serum   biomarkers of breast cancer through targeted free fatty acid profiles   screening based on GC-MS platformBiomedical Chromatography1.728
于力Epigenetic therapies in acute myeloid   leukemia: the role of hypomethylating agents, histone deacetylase inhibitors   and the combination of hypomethylating agents with histone deacetylase   inhibitors Chinese    Medical Journal1.585
付利Combined Conditional Knockdown   and Adapted Sphere Formation Assay to Study a Stemness-Associated Gene of   Patient-derived Gastric Cancer Stem CellsJove-Journal of Visualized   Experiments1.163

