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来源: 发布时间:2022-10-24 11:20:53 浏览次数: 【字体:
李思思Mechanism of siRNA production by   a plant Dicer-RNA complex in dicing-competent conformationScience63.789
付利Targeting cancer-associated   fibroblast-secreted WNT2 restores dendritic cell-mediated anti-tumor immunityGut23.059
蔡志明Patient-Derived Upper Tract   Urothelial Carcinoma Organoids as a Platform for Drug ScreeningAdvanced Science17.521
Kim TaewanMicroRNAs & ER stress in   cancerSeminars in Cancer Biology15.707
李思思Binding of guide piRNA triggers   methylation of the unstructured N-terminal region of Aub leading to assembly   of the piRNA amplification complexNature Communications14.919
乐志操The global regulatory logic of   organ regeneration: circuitry lessons from skin and its appendagesBiological   Reviews12.82
吕德生The CK1δ/ε-AES axis regulates   tumorigenesis and metastasis in colorectal cancerTheranostics11.556
朱卫国SETD2-mediated H3K14   trimethylation promotes ATR activation and stalled replication fork restart   in response to DNA replication stressP NATL ACAD SCI USA11.205
付利The role of myeloid-derived   suppressor cells in gastrointestinal cancerCancer   Communications10.392
吕德生Transmembrane protein 97   exhibits oncogenic properties via enhancing LRP6-mediated Wnt signaling in   breast cancerCell Death & Disease9.705
叶亮Metallothionein 1: A New   Spotlight on Inflammatory DiseasesFrontiers in Immunology8.786
叶亮Interferon-λ Improves the   Efficacy of Intranasally or Rectally Administered Influenza Subunit Vaccines   by a Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin-Dependent MechanismFrontiers in Immunology8.786
朱卫国SIRT7: a sentinel of genome   stabilityOpen Biology6.411
付利MAPK10 expression as a   prognostic marker of the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment in human   hepatocellular carcinomaFrontiers in   Oncology6.244
于力Characteristics of Cohesin   Mutation in Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Its Clinical SignificanceFront. Oncol. 6.244
于力Roles of Histone Deacetylases in   Acute Myeloid Leukemia with Fusion ProteinsFront. Oncol. 6.244
于力A novel epigenetic drug   conjugating flavonoid and HDAC inhibitor confers to suppression of acute   myeloid leukemogenesisClinical Science6.124
张素平Cyclovirobuxine D   Induced-Mitophagy through the p65/BNIP3/LC3 Axis Potentiates Its   Apoptosis-Inducing Effects in Lung Cancer CellsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF   MOLECULAR SCIENCES5.923
于力The role of ARHGAP9: clinical   implication and potential function in acute myeloid leukemiaJournal of Translational   Medicine5.531
朱卫国RNF8-ubiquitinated KMT5A is   required for RNF168-induced H2A ubiquitination in   response to DNA damageFASEB JOURNAL5.191
于力Difference in gene mutation   profile in patients with refractory/relapsed versus newly diagnosed acute   myeloid leukemia based on targeted next-generation sequencingLeukemia Lymphoma3.28
Kim TaewanLncRNAs as key players in the   MYC pathwaysGenome Instability & Disease新期刊

